There’s so much to do for everyone along our heritage coast
1. This contract is made between Wangford Farm Barns (the owners) and the client. The contract shall be entered into when the owners issue the client with the
booking confirmation form and will be subject to all the booking conditions contained herin. The client is responsible for checking the accuracy of details of the confirmation
form. The owners reserve the right to cancel or refuse any booking without explanation whatsoever.
2. Payment a non-refundable deposit of 25% of the rental cost is payable if the booking is made more than 8 weeks before the start of the rental. The balance shall be payable
in full 8 weeks before the commencement of the rental. Non-payment of the balance of the rent on the due date will be construed as a cancellation of the booking by the client the
owners who accepts no responsibility to remind the client of the balance being due or outstanding. For bookings made less than 8 weeks before the commencement of
occupation the full rental amount is payable.
3. Rental prices are set in the preceeding year and guided by current and forecast economic market conditions which if unusual and unforseen circumstances arise may
require price adjustments to be made. Adjustments will be communicated to all those who have existing or pending bookings with an offer to cancel the booking if prefered
by either party.
4. Cancellation for whatever reason by the client shall be in writing and addressed to the owners at Wangford Farm Mardle Road Wangford Suffolk NR34 8AU. Upon
receipt of a cancellation the owners will seek to re-let the property booked for the period of the booking. If the property is re-let for the whole of the rental period a full refund of
all monies paid less a charge of £25.00 will be made. In the event of only part of the period being re-let an amount equal to the money paid for the re-let period will be refunded
less a charge of £25.00. In the event that the owners ate unable to re-let the rental property for any period then all monies paid by the client shall be forfeit to the owners.
The owners strongly recommend that clients take out suitable Cancellation Insurance.
5. Alteration of Date the owners may consider requests from the client to alter the dates of a booking after confirmation has been issued subject to the request being
made 8 weeks before the commencement of the rental.
6. Period of Rental commences at 4p.m. on the first day of the booking and terminates at 10a.m. on the day of departure unless the client vacates the property on an
earlier date.
7. Occupancy The number of persons occupying a rental cottage must not exceed the maximum number stipulated in the rental details. The owners reserve the right to
refuse entry to the entire party if this condition is not met. In such case the owners shall dem the booking to have been cancelled by the client and the full rental monies
will be forfeit. No pets are allowed on the site or in the rental property at any time without exception.
8. Breakages or Damage Thee client accepts that they are legally bound to reimburse the owners for replacement or repair or extra cleaning cost at the discretion of the
owners. A good housekeeping deposit in the form of a cheque or other method of payment payable at the time of the balance of the rental will be held by the owners and
following satisfactory inspection of the property returned to the client in accordance with their wishes. In the event there being repairs replacement or extra cleaning
required in the property the deposit will be banked and the client informed as soon as possible to discuss the situation and finalise the amount to be deducted from the
deposit and the balance returned to the client.
9. Complaints Should there be any cause for complaint during the occupancy of the rental propertyit must be notified to the owners promptly and in writing. The owners
undertake to investigate and where required rectify problems within reason. Clients should be aware that sounds smells insectss and flies can be expected in the countyside.
10. Care of the Property The client shall take all reasonable and proper care of the property and it’s furniture pictures and effects in or on the property and to leave
them in the same state repair and condition and in the same clean and tidy condition at the end of the rental period as at the begining. The good housekeeping deposit will be
banked to cover the replacement or repair of items in the property or extra cleaning required in the property (see note 8 above).
11. Liability The owners shall not be liable to the client for any temporary defect or storage in the supply of public services or otherwise to the rental property nor introspect
of any equipment or appliance in the property for any loss or damage or injury which is the result of adverse weather conditions riot war strikes or any other matter beyond
the control of the owners for any loss damage or inconvenience to or suffered by the client if the property shall be destroyed or substantially damaged before commencement
of the rental period and in any such event the owner shall withion a reasonable time period following the notification to the client refund to the client all sums previously paid
in respect of the rental period. Under no circumstances shall the owners liability to the client exceed the amount paid to the owners for the rental period.
12. Right of Entry The owners or their representatives shall be allowed the right of entry to the rental property at all reasonable times for the purpose of inspection or
to carry out repairs or maintenance.
13. Smoking It is against the law to smoke tobaacco products in the rental properties. No smoking or Vapeing is allowed within the properties or Wangford Farm site.
14. Safety Motor vehicles motor cycles cycles bus be parked within the designated allocated parking area and are parked strictly at their owners risk and no
responsibility is accepted for any loss or damage to vehicles or contents regardless of cause.
15. Wi-Fi Access to the owners wi-fi network is free but strictly subject to personal use only. It is not available for any business or commercial use of any kind. In the event
of excessive bandwidth use and affecting the owners network the facility may be withdrawn.